
Key Metrics FAQs

What are the key metrics? 

We created 7 key metrics that investors can filter founders on:

  • ARR
  • CAC
  • LTV
  • MRR
  • Number of customers
  • Revenue
  • Valuation

This is to help you match with the right investors for your business.

We have a wide range of investors on the platform, with a variety of investment theses, so whether you’re pre-rev or series A, there will be active investors looking for your type and stage of business. 

How do they work? 

Investors can filter startups by the key metrics; these can be actuals or, if you’re pre-revenue, forecasts. Don’t worry, investors can’t search for specific values, as all metrics are generated in predefined intervals. e.g. valuation in £3 million intervals.

What do I need to do?  

Add metrics either manually or via  our integrated metrics function. We strongly recommend generating integrated metrics as the process is automated, removing the legwork for founders and ensuring your our data will be up to date, 

To maximise your investor readiness score, we  recommend having at least 3 of the key metrics live on your profile.

Who can see my data?

All metrics are private by default, but you have the option to create custom  reports and share with others by selecting Community or Connections.

Do I need to create a dashboard?

While it’s not compulsory to create a dashboard, we recommend you do so to pique interest. Dashboards allow investors to see your critical data and metrics in an easily digestible format, and will improve your chances of starting valuable conversations.

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