When investors request to connect with you, a notification email will be sent to the email address registered to the Connectd platform. To make sure you receive these emails and other important communications about platform activity and feature launches, make sure you add @connectd.co as a trusted sender to your email provider!
We’ve outlined this simple process for three of the most popular email providers below:
1) Click the cog icon in the top-right corner and then click “view all mail settings”
2) Select Junk email
3) Click “add” under “safe senders and domains”
4) Add “connnectd.co” to the list of Safe senders

1) Click the cog icon in the top-right corner, and then click “see all Settings”
2) Click on “Filters and blocked addresses” and then click “Create a new filter”
3) Enter the @connectd.co in the From field
4) Click Create filter with this search
5) In the box headed “When a message arrives that matches this search” select “Never send it to spam”
6) Click “Create filter” to finish
Apple Mail
1) Open the email from the sender you would like to add to the safelist.
2) Click on the sender's email address at the top of the email.
3) A list of options will appear on a drop down.
4) Click on “Add to Address Book” Your sender will be automatically added to your Apple Mail safe senders list