Julian Bracey-Davis

Julian Bracey-Davis
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Julian Bracey-Davis

Julian Bracey-Davis

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Julian Bracey-Davis has enjoyed a successful corporate career which has culminated in his current role as VP, Pipeline Development at Wunderkind. Julian recently joined Connectd to build the skills, knowledge and connections needed to create a portfolio of advisory and independent director roles.

The platform's focus on connecting individuals with a wealth of experience with ambitious start-ups and scale-ups aligns perfectly with my passion for innovation and growth.

Q&A with

Julian Bracey-Davis

What interested you in a portfolio career?

Having seen first hand throughout my 15+ year executive career, the importance of broadening my horizons through working in different sectors, it made sense to start considering embracing a portfolio career alongside my full-time role to ensure I can keep abreast of the latest innovations.

Why did you join Connectd?

Exploring portfolio roles for the first time is often accompanied by uncertainties and a steep learning curve. The Connectd program provided me with the resources, guidance, and network necessary to navigate this change effectively. The platform's personalized approach made the transition feel like a natural progression, and I found myself well-supported at every step, particularly through the access to the Connectd mentors. The platform's focus on connecting individuals with a wealth of experience with ambitious start-ups and scale-ups aligns perfectly with my passion for innovation and growth. The vibrant ecosystem at Connectd.com has allowed me to explore exciting projects and collaborate with emerging businesses in ways I never thought possible.

What is your experience of working with the Connectd team?

My passion for working with scale-ups and start-ups stems from a belief in the transformative power of innovation. The Transition to Portfolio programme has become the perfect conduit for me to channel this passion and be involved in a sector I was really passionate about. The Customer Success team have been great at providing support, whenever I have encountered stumbling blocks with the learning materials.

What are your future career plans?

Whilst I am really locked into my full time work, it has been great to start exploring a portfolio career. This has benefited me hugely so far and I am really confident with the skills I have developed as I look to progress into Independent Director roles as part of my growing portfolio .In conclusion, Connectd.com Advisors has exceeded my expectations in every aspect. From easing my transition to a portfolio career to fostering a vibrant community of professionals, and providing exceptional support, this platform has proven to be an invaluable resource. I highly recommend Connectd.com Advisors to anyone seeking a dynamic and supportive environment to navigate the exciting world of start-ups and scale-ups.


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